With certifications in Fitness Levels 3 & 4 and as a Holistic Pro Health Performance Certified Instructor, alongside specialized training in Oxygen Advantage and Apnea Survival, I am deeply immersed in the realm of health and fitness. However, my true element is water, and surfing is not just a hobby but my greatest passion. I live and breathe by the ocean’s rhythm and energy.

My love for the health and fitness industry stems from my unwavering commitment to enhancing people’s quality of life and performance. I believe in a holistic approach to physical exercise, one that nurtures the longevity of both body and mind. It’s not just about short-term gains but about fostering sustainable well-being for the long haul.

Through my expertise and dedication, I strive to empower individuals to achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. The ocean serves as my inspiration and sanctuary, driving me to continuously explore innovative ways to optimize health and vitality.

In essence, I am not just a fitness instructor; I am a holistic wellness advocate, leveraging my passion for surfing and my knowledge of fitness to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Areas of Expertise

  • Holistic Pro Health Performance
  • Oxygen Advantage & Apnea Survival Certified Instructor
  • Help people to improve their quality of life and performance through physical exercise with a more holistic approach aiming for the longevity of the body and mind.


  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness
  • Holistic Pro Health Performance Certified Instructor
  • Oxygen Advantage & Apnea Survival Certified Instructor 


English and Portuguese